Monday, May 4, 2020

She has it

The other day my daughter Mary got the results of her Covid-19 test. Positive. The nurse said to wait until she had gone three days symptom-free and then she can go out. The nurse also said don't bother testing her daughter Nelly or husband Phil. Just wait until they too are symptom-free for three days. So what does this tell us? For one, it tells us that the confirmed numbers are far lower than the actual. Phil and Nelly will not be counted, although they undoubtedly have the virus.  

Mary says she is relieved. She has it so she doesn't have to worry about getting it. Further, the nurse told her that once she has achieved that symptom-free status she is good for three or four months. That is, she will not be spreading it nor will she be vulnerable to getting it. She is immune for that long. I know the reports have been conflicting on this status. Presumably the nurse is going with the best-guess on immunity. 

Of course I ask Mary every day how she is feeling. She is mostly being plagued by headaches at this point. The more days that pass, the better I feel. If she feels she must go out before she reaches that three-day point, she needs to wear a mask to protect others. Thus she asked me if I could make her another. Of course I could. I found yet another pattern that I think is easier than the other two I have been using. I chose the "ties" option because I did not have elastic ???

3,646,099 confirmed cases worldwide
252,406 deaths worldwide

1,212,835 confirmed cases US
69,921 deaths US

5,631 confirmed cases Nevada
266 deaths Nevada

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