Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Still Worried

On April 19 my daughter Mary had symptoms. Sounded like it might be Covid-19. She felt awful but got to feeling better in a few days. Her daughter Nelly was mildly sick and then her husband Phil spent a day or so in bed. Whatever she had appears to be contagious. Last night it flared up again in Mary: high fever, lack of smell, bad headache, bad backache. By this morning she felt somewhat better and went off to get a test. Again, the tests were gone by the time she got there. She is going to try again tomorrow morning. 

The story is the same everywhere. The tests are hard to get. So many people are not getting them. I am also reading that in New York the number of deaths in general is far higher over the past month or so than normal, beyond those officially counted as Covid-19 deaths. This suggests that a great many deaths are not being recorded as Covid, probably because they were never diagnosed. It's obvious that the total number of cases must also be much higher than the official numbers, both because tests are not available and because many people are likely getting mild cases and are not even seeking tests. 

3,110,696 confirmed cases worldwide
215,231 deaths worldwide

1,022,259 confirmed cases US
57,862 deaths US

4,805 confirmed cases Nevada
219 deaths Nevada

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