I read. When I wake and can't get back to sleep I pull on the chain to my bedside light and grab my latest book. I'm going through them like crazy. Most of the books I am reading now belonged to my co-grandmother, Mimi, my son-in-law's mother. She died in February and I am finding new homes for her books. In many cases that means I read them first. Many are mysteries set in other countries. I shared that preference with Mimi and I'm indulging big time. Others are historical novels, many of which are also mysteries. I am not a historical novel fan as a rule but some do catch my attention. The ones that try too hard to have characters speak as the author thinks people did back then tend to annoy me. Those move on. These days they move to Little Free Libraries because the regular libraries are not open. I list some on paperbackswap.com or bookmooch.com but not many. It feels wrong to earn credits from her books. At the same time, though, I offer to find books for others on these sites and have them sent to them. Is there a book you've been wanting? Let me know. If it isn't too popular I might find it.
I also dwell on my life now. I am not particularly productive. I am not doing a good job keeping the apartment clean. I set and read or watch television for hours at a time, trying not to eat too much because I do have that tendency.
I've been reorganizing my cupboards. |
Yesterday I picked up food from a market and then last evening received a delivery of food from Amazon Fresh. I don't have a place to let things sit outside, and most of what I order is fresh or frozen so that method does not work. I take the food out and put it away, then wash my hands thoroughly. The bags go into a bag where they can sit for days, until there is no chance a virus will survive there.
Today's goals: finish the ten masks I am making for Animal Foundation. Take out the trash and recyclables. Bring Easter Basket (bag) to grandson's house (to be left outside). Clean clean clean! This place is such a mess! Oh, and do physical therapy exercises.
But for now, it's back to bed.
1,795,978 confirmed worldwide
109,906 deaths worldwide
533,502 confirmed US
20,580 deaths US
2,700 confirmed Nevada
112 deaths Nevada
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