Yesterday my sewing machine jammed for the third time in a row. I did not seem to be able to resolve what was going on there, so I took to Google. Found a sewing machine repair person who comes to your home to pick up and deliver. I contacted him and he said he was in Henderson and would come by to get my machine, which he did! Seems like a really nice guy. He said he'd have it back in two days at most. If that happens it will be fantastic!
Masks made for Animal Foundation so far |
It isn't cheap. It's $129. But this includes everything. Full workup, ready to go, cleaned and oiled and whatever else is recommended. My machine was not super-expensive but still well over the bargain price because I wanted something that would last. If you have a $200 machine it may not seem worth it to spend $129. I don't know. But mine was over $600 so it seems like a good idea for me, and the service is everything I could hope for, assuming it comes back today or tomorrow and works beautifully.
Meanwhile, daughter Elaine loaned me hers. And I promptly messed it up, broke the needle. I think I didn't quite thread it right, because it ran well when there was no thread through the needle. I printed out the threading instructions and will have another go at it today. I hope to finish the ten face masks for the Animal Foundation today. Then I will be on to making more for the family.
Elaine's machine waiting to be rethreaded |
I took another little plunge today. I signed up for an online art class by Art Tutor. One of the instructors there started the Isolation Art Challenge on facebook, which is free and which has gotten me drawing again. But I have become super aware of my lack of skill. I do have some native talent but that does not do the job alone. So I am taking the basic Drawing Essentials class. Never mind that I took a basic drawing class at Cuesta College a few years ago. This one focuses more on getting on paper what you see, while that one was an intro to many different media.
2,035,299 confirmed cases worldwide
130,712 deaths worldwide
618,813 confirmed cases US
27, 086 deaths US
3,211 confirmed cases Nevada
130 deaths Nevada
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